
Friday, September 24, 2010

If I Could Turn Back Time...

I've been wearing jeans to work a lot lately, mainly because they go well with my Converse shoes which (although horrendously smelly) I love.  But a couple of days ago, I figured I'd wear a pair of dress pants to work.  I found a pair quite easily in the dark (6am is too early for Baz) but didn't seem to be able to find a top to go with it.

Frustrated, I flipped on the light, and started going through my closet.  Not only couldn't I find an appropriate dress top, I couldn't find ANY dress top.  No blouses.  No dress shirts.  Nothing.  My closet is pretty organized, but I pulled everything out in a frantic attempt to find something to wear.  Nada.

I stood there for a minute trying to think where I could have put my clothes.  I checked the laundry room, my underwear drawer, the hall closet and my office closet.  I was about to start going through the kitchen cupboards when it finally dawned on me....

I moved to my new house in July, and while I was packing up my apartment, I filled several black garbage bags with clothes for the Salvation Army and several black garbage bags with clothes I wanted to keep.  It's funny, because I distinctly remember standing there thinking that I should be careful to keep the two piles separate.  Obviously I wasn't careful enough.

I called the Salvation Army immediately with my woeful story, but apparently all their clothes are shipped out within days of being received.  The sales girl told me they were sending quite a few shipments out to Pakistan.  That's great.  I'm all for sending donations to countries ravaged by natural disasters, but I'm unsure how my dress shirts will benefit people with no food or homes. 

I suppose the politically correct response should be that if it puts a smile on someone's face it's worth it, right?   Well, I also discovered that I put all my winter sweaters in the Sally Ann bag as well.  I'm sure it gets chilly in Pakistan, but I'm not sure how generous I'll feel when it's -40 degrees in Winnipeg and I'm trying to fend off hypothermia.

I think I'll go to the Salvation Army tomorrow and do some shopping.

Take care,


  1. That sounds all too familiar, remembering to be careful to keep the piles separate.

    I don’t suppose thinking how well dressed they are in Pakistan now, is any kind of consolation?
    The enigmatic, masked blogger strikes again

  2. I keep thinking maybe I'll see someone on the news wearing one of my THAT would make a good story! :)

  3. Hi Tracey,
    I noted the title of this posting on my 'blog roll' and immediately visualised a scantily clad Cher singing in front of a bunch of sailor dudes.
    I know I shouldn't be laughing at this clothing tale of woe. Especially with you living in Winnipeg and the onset of winter.
    Now your Salvation Army situation reminds me of a handy trick. However, in doing this, one must be very quick. One takes their clothes into a charity shop. By law, over here in jolly old England, the charity shops have to evidently dry clean the clothes. So you wait a day or two and then go back and buy your own clothes at a cost that would have been less than getting them dry cleaned yourself.
    Sorry, the above paragraph probably made no sense whatsoever. I blame it on me having the flu.
    Just think you might watch the news on the CBC and suddenly scream, 'hey! she's wearing my favourite blouse!'
    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your very kind comment on my last posting. It was very much appreciated.
    With respect, Gary :-)

  4. What a fantastic idea! I'm all for getting things on the cheap, so next time I'm in England I'll give it a try. Unfortunately I don't think they dry clean anything here - a spot wipe is probably the extent of it. Ah well...I suppose I'll manage.
    I thought of Cher too when I wrote the title - probably because I saw a picture of her wearing that outfit at some event last week - the same one she wore in the 80's. Not bad considering she's aged 25 years since then, but it still seemed very wrong somehow.
    Hope you'll be feeling better soon!
    Take care,
